Belt/level tests Krav Maga, Traditional Karate

Big congrats to the recent Krav Maga students whom passed their level one test. They worked their tails off, demonstrated passion and commitment, and fought through the mental walls that present themselves at such events. The only critical feedback we received was we all need to work on advancing punches and retreating punches.  But, when it a group collectively fails to do a particular technique well, then it falls on me. We will get better at advancing and retreating.  Other than that they all showed heart, good technique and power, and supported the heck out of each other. Not bad for a bunch of teenagers and adults. You made me very proud. Special thanks to Matt of Fit and Fearless, and Greg Shindler for their presence, ect.

Speaking of tests and advancements we have a huge series of belt tests this weekend in our traditional karate program. Forty-two students will seek to increase their ranks. This is a lot of students testing. We’ve had a banner year, and we only test twice per year, thus many white belts will be seeking yellow belts and beyond. I have an outstanding group of youngsters training at Jett Garner Martial Arts. The passion they all bring to the table is amazing. Apathy does not exist in our club. Best of luck this weekend. Now, stop reading and start practicing.
