I truly believe our martial arts program is the best way to get fit. Wether you’re a child, teen, or adult we will get you fit. More importantly we will help you build a tool box of self defense just in case. So, unlike running in the park, riding a bike, or hitting the weights our program teaches you strength of spirit, awareness, and quite simply to know more than the predators. With our Krav Maga program and our traditional karate program we’re about having fun, learning how to fight, learning awareness, and getting in great shape at the same time.

Pictured are Tristian and Trinity. They are brother and sister. Tristian is eight, and Trinity is seven. They have trained with me in traditional karate since they were four and three. Soon, they will test for their orange belts. Without a doubt they are stronger and more aware than most of their peers. Plus, they are very sweet and awesome kids. They bring a lot of intensity and pride to their training and they have a great time doing it.  Both, will continue their training through the years. Both, will probably be looking at junior brown belts when they get to the age of eleven or so, and both will probably test for Shodan (goju-Ryu 1st degree black belts) when they hit fifteen. They have enhanced our school and I am fairly confident we have enhanced them as well. Tristian and Trinity’s parents are members of our adult Krav Maga program. They’ve been training since May of 2010, when we became an Official Krav Maga Training Center. As with the kids, Mom and Dad are awesome people, with a dedication to training, and they bring a good spirit and focus to each and every class. Shawn, their Dad has totally transformed his physique in the last six months, by taking two or three classes per week. Betty, gets stronger and confident every class. It’s awesome to have the entire family sharing the fun, benefits, and passion of martial arts. They are becoming more fit together, they are learning how to fight as a family, and all four bring a crazy passion and desire to the table which is awesome.  But, the circle doesn’t end there. Uncle Kyle and Aunt Katie are Krav Maga members as well, and bring it every class. Their Uncle Kyle has trained through rib injuries, and has become a fit and fighting machine. Aunt Katie just joined, but will soon notice a huge difference in herself as time passes. My feeling about the world is that it will continue to become more violent as time goes on. Resources are increasingly strained, people struggling to meet  the bills and buy the food, and we live in a world that is busting with a rapidly expanding population. Desperation is high. Tempers are short. Violent crime is on the rise. This a recipe for a future that is more violent and more dangerous. I am not a doomsday guy in any sense. The best way to combat this more violent world is to prepare for the battle that may or may not happen. Predators are typically looking for easy targets. People who are fit and have received proper martial arts training typically do not fall in the easy target category. Thus, if you never have to defend yourself, then chances are your training and preparation worked. Back to the family- they train hard, they have fun, they bond, and they are getting more capable to do the right kind of damage to the predators in the world. Here’s to family fitness and learning how to kick tail together!!!


It’s been in the news. Kids of all ages, even the recent Rutgers story of two college freshman. Bullies have a negative impact on all school kids. I get asked the ‘what do about a a school bully’ question at least once a month by concerned parents, whose children train at my martial arts school.  The experience kids and parents face today is that most schools do not handle the bully complaint. They talk to the bully, and hope it gets better, but it only gets worse for the child whose bullied. Bullying can lead to many social problems, including suicide, violence, ect. We’ve all read the papers. We’ve seen the news reports. Today even girls bully each other. I provide the answer to the bullying question. Here are the things I consider when I answer the bullying question:

What  steps the parents have taken thus far.

I consider whether those steps have been effective.

I consider whether school officials have been notified and what was the result.

I consider the martial art skill and confidence of the student being bullied.

I ask what the parents want to achieve.

I ask the bullied student what he/she would like to achieve.

I ask what the result be if said bullied student slugged the bully in the nose.

I take all of these things and make a conclusion. Usually, by the time a parent comes to me they’ve tried to handle it by speaking to the parents of the bully and or speaking to the school system, and the situation has not improved, or possibly may have gotten worse.

When this is the case, usually said parents are ready for their child to stand up for themselves, and if that leads to a fight then so be it. Again, I only offer this solution when the parent request this solution.  If the victim of a bully shows the bully that he/she is not afraid and quite willing to go the distance, most bullies, being cowardly, will not engage in a fight, and will stop the bullying behavior. Bottom line- the bullying probably will not stop until his/her victim shows them that said victim is perfectly willing and capable of sending the bully home crying.

Generally, speaking we are a wussified society. Back in my day, schools did not handle bully complaints. So, you either dealt with it or you stood up for yourself. Fighting lead to a three day school suspension, but it was better than years of emotional and social torment. We didn’t have to worry about legal action or lawsuits back in the 80’s and 90’s. Today, it is a consideration. I do know this- the bully will not stop tormenting unless someone makes it very clear he/she should stop. If the school and or the bullies’ parents cannot make the bully stop then the victim must take the situation into his/her own hands.  Most bullies are weak and cowardly. They have a mean bark, but lack inner strength and fighting knowledge. So, a trained martial artists should have the upper hand in a physical confrontation. Do not use this blog entry as a right to go and smash people at school. If you have a situation always speak to me first. I must evaluate your scenario before I give you the ‘stand up for yourself’ mantra.


Jett Garner Martial Arts

We had an outstanding self defense seminar  for women. A special thanks to those who attended, and a special mention of Vitalik Artur, who donned the man suit and took a beating from said women. Enjoy the pics!!!!

If you take the time to search youtube for martial arts defense against knives and guns, you will notice many styles offering complex bloated defenses against these weapons. The weakness in most of these styles and their defenses against weapons is that they were not found on the battlefield, nor tested in real life and death situations. If a self defense tactic forces you to think while applying said defense, then it is not a good defense. Self defense against weapons, chokes, ect… should be based on your natural instincts to particular threats. Most martial arts programs develop their weapons defenses from their own system, within the kata/forms of said system.

Krav Maga separates itself from most martial arts programs because every defense against weapons, or chokes was tried and tested in actual battles for life and death. Every defense is based on one’s natural reaction to specific threats. Krav Maga builds the defenses around one’s natural instincts. Defenses against guns and knives are kept simple. The over all philosophy against an attacker with a knife is run when possible. If that option is not  available then Krav Maga builds the actual defenses against the knife attacks around the 360 philosophy which is also utilized in defending against punches. The 360 defenses allow one to memorize and practice one set of defenses against both punches and knife attacks. Granted there are exceptions, but generally speaking the 360 defenses cover both bases quite well.

Is the self defense system in Krav Maga perfect? No it is not. There are several defenses that I criticize in my mind as not being easy enough for the novice person. But, I have to go back to the principal that I have been practicing martial arts for thirteen years and can sometimes be a little too critical. That being said, I must also remember that Krav Maga has been tested time and time again in very real situations where life and death are very much at stake.  No system offers the total answer versus all types of attacks. I know the leadership of Krav Maga.  I understand Krav’s history, Krav’s place in war, and it’s perpetual evolution. Krav Maga offers the most complete, simple, and battle tested self defense system in the world. This doesn’t mean to suggest other styles are worthless and poor. This simply means in my opinion when looking at the self defense side of martial arts, defenses against weapons, chokes, bearhugs, headlocks, ect., Krav Maga offers a simple system based on life and death situations and your natural insticts.

Back to the original point of the entry. Gun versus knife. When approached with a knife wielding attacker run when you can. If not execute the defense as quickly as possible. Knife attacks are very dangerous, extremely deadly, and can last less than thirty seconds. When approached with a gun as long as the barrel is not pointed at you it poses no threat. Krav Maga has a whole host of defenses against the gun (long and short) and the various angles and circumstances of each threat.


Jeff began training in our adult Krav Maga program in May of this year.  Below is his written testimonial. Many thanks to Jeff for training hard and allowing the program to work for him.  This story reinforces my thoughts about martial arts. One learns to punch, kick, and defend. The added value to acquiring this skill set is a healthier body and stronger mind. Keep punching and kicking Jeff! His diet and plan are listed below.

From Jeff:

Exercise: Krav Maga 3 times per week, occasional swimming, running, hiking

Diet: Cut out refined sugar and flour.  Replaced with more vegetables and lots of water.

Since May of this year I’ve lost 40 lbs, 2 pant sizes, very close to wearing XL shirts instead of 2XL.  My cardio-vascular health is way up.  I have a ton more energy and do more outdoor activities like swimming, running, and hiking.  My overall body strength is better than it’s ever been.  My confidence has gone up and my stress-level (especially in large crowds) has decreased.  My wife, co-workers, and friends all notice a big difference.  I still have a way to go to get where I want to be, but this is a huge step forward.  Thanks for your help.

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